Religious Education classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:45 am in Our Lady of the Valley School classrooms. Classes meet August through May. Children in 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 8th grades receive sacramental preparation for the celebration of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. However, sacramental preparation and celebration are open to children of all ages. Parents must show proof of the child's baptism and other sacraments that have been received.
Fees which cover books and supplies are $75 for one child, $100 for two children, and $125 for three or more children. Children receiving a sacrament will have an additional fee of $25 to cover workshops, retreats, t-shirts, and certificates. You can pay online by clicking here or checks should be made out to OLV PSR and can be turned into the church office. No child and/or family will be excluded from the PSR program due to a lack of funds. Please contact the Kathy Martin, at or 991-5488 x216 if you have questions or concerns.
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