Click the link(s) below to view the schedule.
Altar Server Schedule October 19-November 24, 2024 End of Server Year
Altar Server Schedule Nov 30, 2024-Jan 5, 2025 Extended
Altar Server Schedule Jan 11-Feb 23, 2025 Extended
Students who are called to serve at the altar (both OLV & PSR students) should be open to learning altar server skills and should be willing to serve when scheduled. Students interested in becoming an altar server should apply through OLV fourth grade teachers or through your PSR teacher. The Altar Server "Year" runs from the first Sunday of Advent to the end of November.
Training is available to students in the fourth grade or higher each fall.
Please direct any questions to Deacon Robert Long: 205-991-5488 ext. 217, or email him at
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church Altar Server Expectations Reverencing the Holy Eucharist
– The Tabernacle is the special place at the center of the sanctuary where the Holy Eucharist (the bread which has been changed into the body of Christ at Mass) is placed. Everyone, including altar servers should reverence the Eucharist by bowing or genuflecting (kneeling on the right knee) whenever passing in front of or approaching the Tabernacle. Reverence while serving at Mass
– The altar server serves the priest and the deacon during Mass. So their attention should be focused the needs and actions of the priest and deacon. They should understand their responsibilities and fulfill them correctly anticipating the next move. Altar servers should fully participate in the Mass by joining in the responses and in the singing. Reverence in the way we dress
– If you were to have a personal audience with the Pope in Rome you would dress in your best clothes with your hair combed and your shoes shined. When we receive Communion at Mass, it is a “personal audience” with Jesus. We should do our best to dress up for the occasion. It is a sign of reverence. Respect for the office of Altar Server
– The altar server plays an important role at Mass. Therefore there are some responsibilities that the Altar Server is expected to follow:
- The ALB is the vestment for the altar server. It is the symbol of the office of Altar Server. The priest and deacon also wear an alb since they too are servers at the altar. Respect is shown for the alb by removing it carefully from the hanger and replacing it uniformly and carefully after Mass so as not to damage it. Choosing the correct size and wearing it correctly also demonstrate respect for the alb and the office of Altar Server. Thank you for answering the call to serve. The altar server has an important and privileged role in the liturgy. Let us be reverent and respectful in all aspects of the altar server ministry.