- ADULT CATECHESIS Ministries that provide religious studies for adults intended to enhance faith formation and/or personal spirituality. May include home study or parish-based study groups, such as Bible study groups. May include study groups that explore the core elements of Catholic faith and practice, and provide for the integration of actual life experience, diverse adult learning needs, the study of Scripture, and the teaching of the Church's tradition.
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – Sundays - On-going classes through out the year (following the same meeting schedule as CCD Classes). Topics vary throughout the year. Please refer to Parish Bulletin for current topics.
- CURSILLO - Cursillos in Christianity (in Spanish: Cursillos de Cristiandad, short course of Christianity) is an apostolic movement of the Roman Catholic Church. It was founded in Majorca, Spain by a group of laymen in 1944, while they were refining a technique to train pilgrimage Christian leaders. The Cursillo focuses on showing Christian lay people how to become effective Christian leaders over the course of a three-day weekend. The weekend includes fifteen talks, some given by priests and some by lay people. The major emphasis of the weekend is to ask participants to take what they have learned back into the world, on what is known as the "fourth day." The method stresses personal spiritual development, as accelerated by weekly group reunion (after the weekend).
- ENGAGING SPIRITUALITY - Engaging Spirituality is a spiritual deepening process for adult Christians bringing the power of the Holy Spirit to bear upon the needs of our world. Participants reflect on the wisdom teachings of our tradition as they prayerfully break open their lives.
FORMED (HEARTS-AFIRE PARISH-BASED PROGRAMS) The Hearts Afire Parish-based Programs offer individuals a quick and easy way to withdraw from the demands of daily life and enter into a peaceful interior reflection on their relationship with Christ in the context of Marian devotion.
- FRESH BREAD Adult Bible Study - currently studying Bishop Robert Barron's Catholicism Study Series.
- GOOD NEWS PEOPLE A dynamic parish-wide faith formation program that offers a means to engage parishioners during the Jubilee Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis. Through an engaging small-group process of prayer, reflection, and action, Good News People explores and deepens our call to discipleship. Good News People is a fourteen-session program (seven sessions, break, seven sessions) designed for multiple small groups within a parish.
- JUSTFAITH - JustFaith is a mind- and heart-opening journey that invites participants to encounter the Spirit of Jesus in our midst, especially in the lives of people who are poor and vulnerable. Those who participate gain a better understanding of the Church's social mission from Scripture, the Church's historical witness and Catholic social teaching.
- ON THE ROAD TO EMMAUS Adult Bible Study - currently studying Dr. Brant Pitre's book, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, as well as Dr. Pitre's Lectio-Eucharist videos on Formed.org.
- WOMEN'S SPIRITUALITY CLASS This provides an opportunity for women of the parish to gather and explore a spiritual book together. It is also a great way to form community. The group is currently meeting for 8 weeks studying Henri Nouwen’s book “The Return of the Prodigal Son”
Ministries that provide formal education including schools, religious education programs, sacramental preparation, and Christian Initiation.
- CCD Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Classes for the religious education of the children of our parish. Grades 4K, 5K and Grades 1 - 12 • August – May; Sunday 9:45 - 10:45 AM
- RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) Intended for those who are non-Catholics with an interest in learning more about the Catholic faith. It is also for those who may have been away from the Catholic Church and would like to learn more about the Catholic faith and possibly return to the Church. RCIA is also for those who are professed Catholics who for some reasons are not living their faith by attending Mass on Sunday or celebrating the sacraments of the Church on a regular basis. • Classes are held weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 P.M. and will continue through the Easter Season.
Ministries work for the enrichment of marriages, family life, and the development of young people families. Includes ministries for all family members; providing preparation, strengthening, and skill building activities for spouses, family life, and youth to do great things in our church, community and the world. May include social events, athletics, outdoor activities, training for life skills, and opportunities for discovery.
- ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Coordinate youth sports through toy bowl. Work with Vestavia Hills Soccer Club (VHSC) to coordinate youth soccer program. Source coaches, volunteers, concessions, and volunteers for all sporting events. Coordinate with other schools/parishes to arrange competition schedules. Operate independently 5 financially (all expenses are self-funded through concessions, registration fees and admissions). Currently responsible for facilities maintenance as well. • Basketball (Dec - Feb), Volleyball (Aug - Oct), Soccer (March - May, Sep - Nov.)
- CATHOLIC YOUTH (CYO) Grounded in the belief that we are all called to serve God, we believe that OLV has a youth population that can do great things in our church, community and the world. Our role in this process is to create opportunities for the youth of OLV to discover how God is at work in their lives and what it looks like for them to serve others. By fostering an environment where the youth of our church have the chance to lead, serve and follow their peers, they will help each other experience the Holy Spirit in action through service, and fellowship. • Meetings set every other Wednesday from 7-9pm. Social events, service projects and other opportunities as scheduled in addition.
- ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Catholic Engaged Encounter is an in-depth, private, personal, marriage preparation experience within the context of Catholic faith and values. Catholic Engaged Encounter is a weekend retreat away with other engaged couples with plenty of time alone together to dialogue honestly and intensively about their prospective lives together-- their strengths and weaknesses, desires, ambitions, goals, their attitudes about money, sex, children, family, their role in the church and society--in a face to face way. The weekend is open to any engaged couple wanting to prepare for a deeper, more meaningful life together in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church according to its Church law. • Overarching Ministry: Engaged Encounter USA • Weekends are scheduled each month at the Benedictine Retreat Center in Cullman, AL.
- FAMILY LIFE The Family Life Ministry is designed to bring together married couples as well as unmarried persons who are interested in good Christian marriages. It includes both young and not so young people, who value the sanctity of marriage and married life. It touches on all the relationships that connect to marriage such as in-laws, outlaws, children, grandchildren, etc. It offers speakers on topics ranging from educating children to caring for aging parents. It includes a broad range of related topics of interest that affect the family in some way, including birth control, financial planning, same sex attraction, insurance planning, addictions, and mental health to name a few. There is also the opportunity to discuss a topic in smaller groups as well as large group sessions. There is also the occasional movie and always a generous and 6 delicious snack table with adult beverages. Childcare is always provided in the church nursery. • Two seasons each year. One offered in the fall and the other in the spring.
- MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Marriage Encounter provides weekend experiences for couples who want to make their good marriage even better. Marriage Encounter weekends are a special time for a married couple away from all distractions: work, kids, bills, and other pressures and concerns. Instead of simply listening to lectures about how to improve your marriage, you will actually learn a practical communication technique and have an opportunity to rediscover your hopes and dreams for your marriage. • Overarching Ministry: Worldwide Marriage Encounter • Weekends are periodically scheduled and typically announced in the OLV church bulletin. Each weekend commences Friday evening around 7PM, and continues all day Saturday and Sunday, culminating in a special event Sunday afternoon.
- SCOUTING BOY SCOUTS OLV Troop 71 is comprised of registered scouts and adult leaders. Any boy who is at least 11 years old, or a boy who has completed the fifth grade or earned the Arrow of Light Award and is at least 10 years old, but is not yet 18 years old can join the troop. Troop 71 is open to any boy or leader that has an interest in learning, in outdoor activities, and in camping. These activities include weekly meetings, day hikes, monthly camp outs, annual week- summer camp at Camp Sequoyah, and High Adventure Treks such as backpacking at Philmont, New Mexico, sailing at SeaBase in the Florida Keys, canoeing at Northern Tier in Minnesota, rafting at The Summit in West Virginia, canoeing at SwampBase in Louisiana, and hiking, bicycling, and snorkeling at Catalina Island, California. • Meetings are on Monday's 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the OLV School Cafeteria.
- SCOUTING CUB SCOUTS Pack 71 is for boys in 1st to 5th grade. Annual activities usually include 2 camp-outs and 2 over-nighters.
- SCOUTING GIRL SCOUTS American Heritage Girls (AHG) Troop #AL11128 for girls ages 5 through 18. AHG is a Christ-centered scouting organization that focuses on “building women of integrity through service to God family, community, and country”. The troop offers our young Catholic girls unique opportunities to grow in their faith while learning new skills, serving others, enjoying the outdoors, and having fun with friends. Troop members and adult leaders are being sought. Meets one Sunday afternoon per month and has one troop activity per month aligned with the focus of AHG.
Ministries that welcome and engage parishioners in enjoying events within the parish community; such as social gatherings, meals, holiday celebrations, etc.
- DONUTS AND COFFEE SOCIAL Coffee and donuts are provided to the parish community on Sunday mornings in the school cafeteria. Persons in this ministry purchase the supplies, set up and take down the serving tables, and clean up afterwards. The parish provides funds. • Sponsored by: CCD • Sundays during the months that CCD is active. Between 9:30 and 11 AM. Setup around 7 AM.
- EASTER EGG HUNTS Free Easter egg hunt held at OLV yearly on Easter Sunday • Sponsored by: Ladies Auxiliary • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus
- FATHER DAUGHTER DANCE A dance and pizza provided for Fathers and Daughters in the Social hall including Photo backdrop/booth. • Sponsored by: Ladies Auxiliary • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus • Yearly in February
- HILLTOPPERS SENIORS Social activities for those 55 and older. • Meets 2nd Thursday each month. Mass at 11:00 followed by social activities in the Social Hall.
- K OF C BBQ SALES Barbeque and other items cooked and sold by the KOC • Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus International • Held several times a year during holidays.
- LENTEN FISH FRY Fish Fry cooked and served in the Social Hall • Sponsored by: Ladies Auxiliary • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus • 3 to 4 times during Lent
- SANTA’S WORKSHOP This is in conjunction with Santa's Breakfast. It allows children to purchase gifts for parents, siblings and grandparents. • Sponsored by: Ladies Auxiliary • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus • Usually the 1st Saturday in December
- SANTA'S BREAKFAST This event allows the children an opportunity to chat and have their picture taken with Santa. • Sponsored by: Altar Sodality • Usually the 1st Saturday in December
- THANKSGIVING DINNER Thanksgiving dinner served in the Social Hall • Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus International • Sunday before Thanksgiving
- WELCOME COMMITTEE The Welcoming Ministry seeks to include and embrace all parishioners, in particular new members, into the parish community by exemplifying the words of Scripture, all guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matt.25:35) . • Welcome Weekends are held on the 3rd weekend of the month as well as periodical gatherings for newcomers to meet our Pastoral Staff and other members of the parish.
- YARD SALE Parish Yard Sale where parishioner's can rent space in the church parking lot. Space rental goes directly to the church. Ladies Auxiliary (LA) also sponsors a charity yard sale with donated goods. Proceeds help to fund service projects and expenses for LA throughout the year. • Sponsored by: Ladies Auxiliary • Overarching ministry: Knights of Columbus • Yearly in April or May
Ministries that support or contribute to the liturgies. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly lifegiving celebrations.
- ALTAR FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Volunteers adorn the altars at OLV for weekend masses by preparing and placing beautiful flower arrangements. • Every Friday or Saturday
- ALTAR SERVERS Students who are called to serve at the altar (both OLV & CCD students) should be open to learning altar server skills and should be willing to serve when scheduled. Students interested in becoming an altar server should apply through fourth grade teachers or through your CCD teacher. A parental permission slip is required. They are available from Mrs. Hobbs (fourth grade teacher at OLV), the school and CCD offices. • Altar Serving training held annually August - September
- CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD It is geared to children ages 4-6 years of age. The children are invited by Father, before the first reading, to follow the Prayer Leader to a room where they explore the Sunday gospel in a manner appropriate for young children. They return to the congregation after the Prayers of the Faithful. • Offered during the school year, at the 8:30 and 11:00 Sunday Masses
- FUNERAL BEREAVEMENT MEAL Our Bereavement Ministry volunteers have felt a call to provide compassionate and spiritual support to individuals and families who have experienced the death of a loved one as well as to assist them in planning a reception after Mass. We help by supplying all desserts and beverages, Social Hall setup and clean up. We are very proud of our Ministry knowing that we have taken away some of their burden.
- LINENS COMMITTEE Altar Linens cleaned and ironed weekly • Sponsored by: Altar Sodality
- LITURGICAL MINISTERS Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist and Lectors. Extraordinary Ministers are those who assist in distribution of the Holy Eucharist during Mass. Lectors are those who are responsible for the reading of the Word at Mass. Training is required for this ministry. • An on-going service. Training is held annually in the Fall or by appointment throughout the year.
- MINISTRY TO THE SICK The Ministry to the Sick is serving our extended Parish family by visiting the sick of our Parish and bringing Holy Communion to them in nursing facilities and to their homes.The Minister represents Christ and manifests faith and charity on behalf of the whole community toward those who cannot be present at Mass.
- MUSIC MINISTRY We have an Adult Choir, a Youth Ensemble for Grades 7 through 12, and a Children’s Choir for Grades 2nd through 8th. Children in the 7th and 8th Grades may join either group or both. Youth Ensemble members are welcome and encouraged to sing with the Adult Choir. We welcome competent instrumentalists at all levels to enhance our singing. As a music ministry, we believe in full and active participation of all assembled. We strive to present songs that enhance our worship and help us to pray as a Community. We rehearse together, pray together and support one another, as well as socialize together on occasion. All are welcome! • Adult Rehearsals are Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. The adult choir sings on a rotating basis at the 5:00 pm, 8:30 and 11:00 am masses. Also at the Thanksgiving Liturgy on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, at the Christmas Concert on the second Saturday of December, and at the 10:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass. Also participate at all services during Holy Week and at the Easter Vigil mass. The Adult Choir and Youth Ensemble sing at the Sacrament of Confirmation mass. • Youth Ensemble sings at approximately one mass per quarter and we rehearse before the mass that we are participating at. (Either the 5:00 pm or 11:00 am mass). Youth Ensemble members are welcome and encouraged to sing with the Adult Choir. In the event that they cannot attend Wednesday evening rehearsals, they should be at church 30 minutes prior to mass to warm up with the choir. This group also sings with the combined choirs for our Thanksgiving Liturgy on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving and at the Christmas Concert the second weekend of December. They also sing at the 6:30 pm mass on Christmas Eve and at the 9:00 am mass on Easter Sunday. • Children’s Choir rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 3:30 – 4:30 pm. This group sings at one mass per month. (Either the 4:30 pm, 8:30 or 11:00 am mass). This group sings at the Thanksgiving Liturgy on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and at the Christmas Concert on the second weekend of December, as well as at the 11:00 am mass on Easter Sunday and at the First Communion Mass on the first Sunday of May.
- NURSERY ON SUNDAY Childcare during Mass • Sundays at the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses
- SACRISTAN COMMITTEE Altar and Sacred Vessels cleaned weekly • Sponsored by: Altar Sodality
- USHERS Responsible for welcoming folks and helping them feel comfortable in the worshipping environment. They open doors, greet, hand out bulletins, assist with communion traffic flow and ensure that Gift Bearers are available. Monetary gifts are collected and food baskets prepared. Assistance is given to folks as needed or during emergencies. Also inform Children's liturgy when to return to the main liturgy. • Ushers are assigned on a rotating schedule or as needed.
Ministries that reach out to the hurting, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, and the vulnerable in our midst and around the world in concrete acts of charity. Includes advocating for public policy to address the forces and change the structures that leave people in need of charity.
- 3 SOULS & A TRUCK Conduct drop-off and pick-up of furniture and goods for clients and donors for Oak Mountain Mission. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: Oak Mountain Missions • On a rotating schedule of about ever 6th week on Saturday morning for about 2 hours
- 40 DAYS FOR LIFE International pro-life program. 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion. The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion. Volunteers participate in vigils, prayer and fasting, and community outreach activities. • Sponsored by: 40 Days for Life, Birmingham • Overarching Ministry: 40 Days for Life, International • Generally two, 40-day campaigns will occur during the year, normally during Lent and Advent.
- ALABAMA ARISE A statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan coalition of 150 congregations and community groups and hundreds of individuals united in their belief that low-income people are suffering because of state policy decisions. Groups and individuals join together to promote state policies to improve the lives of low-income Alabamians. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries • As needed; every spring there is a lobbying day in Montgomery and throughout the year various meetings locally as well as in the State Capital.
- ANGEL TREE MINISTRY Needy children and families of the community and OLV are provided Christmas presents and/or gift cards • Sponsored by: Altar Sodality • 1st two weekends in November
- CHANGED LIVES CHRISTIAN CENTER Prepare and serve a meal at Changed Lives Christian Center (CLCC), which is a Christcentered ministry, managed by and in partnership with the Foundry that offers transitional housing for men who are on their way to recover from homelessness, whether from the economic recession or other personal issues such as substance abuse and/or mental illness. CLCC aims to do more than manage the homeless by feeding and sheltering them overnight or for a short time. The mission of Changed Lives is to take individuals who are presently homeless and weave them back into the fabric of productive society. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries • Third Friday of each month and lasts 2 - 3 hours
- FEEDING THE HOMELESS MINISTRY A breakfast is prepared and served at the Church of the Reconciler at 112 14th St. N., Birmingham • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries • First Monday of each month and lasts for about 2 hours
- FIRST LIGHT FOOD DRIVE Specified items are collected for the First Light Women's Shelter - Donations are typically divided up by college so contributors can express allegiance and bragging rights for those fans who donate the most yearly during football season • Sponsored by: Ladies Auxiliary • Overarching Ministry: Knights of Columbus
- GOD’S FLOWERS Pope Francis spoke of our duty to honor the elderly which he said bears witness that the human person is always precious, even if marked by age and sickness. God’s Flowers works to provide flowers and a short visitation to those in the nursing homes of Shelby County. Flowers are gathered from yards, organizations, and from the church altar. They are placed in small vases and delivered to one nursing home every week. Please join us as we honor our parishoners who can no longer make it to church • Meets at 9:30 AM on Thursdays in the Social Hall Caterer’s Kitchen.
- GREENE COUNTY MISSION Several parishes around Birmingham come together to offer assistance to the Guadaluman Sister in Eutaw Alabama and do home restorations for the poorest in our state. Scrubbing, painting, and light construction can make a world of difference to those with so many needs. • Annually for 6 days during the month of June.
- HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Our Lady of the Valley participates in the construction of one Habitat home each year in cooperation with other local churches. • Overarching Ministry: Habitat for Humanity International • Spring of each year.
- MEAL FOR CONVERGE MINISTRY A dinner is prepared and served at the Kairos Kafe on University Blvd for those in prison. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries • Third Tuesday of each month and lasts for about 2 - 3 hours
- BREAD AND ROSES Prepare and serve a meal at Grace Episcopal Church which is a Christ-Centered ministry to the homeless. Donations of food, clothes, coats, toiletries, etc.. • Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus • Overarching Ministry: Knights of Columbus International • 3 times a year on the 4th Sunday of February, June, and November
- MILITARY CARE PACKAGES Holiday care packages are sent to active Military OLV members serving overseas. Donations are accepted at Church doors if needed to prepare care packages. • Sponsored by: Altar Sodality • Several times a year during holidays
- MISSIONARIES OF THE POOR For the last several years OLV Parishioners have experienced the life of the Missionaries of the Poor in Kingston, Jamaica, and learned what it means to care for the poor and thrown away people. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries
- OAK MOUNTAIN MISSION We work to ""love those that feel they are not loved, and share with the needy just like our Lord shares with us." This is the motto of the Oak Mountain Missions ministry in which a large number of OLV parishioners participate. You can join us with donations of food, clothing, and furniture and/or by working directly with the poor of our area, either in the warehouse collecting donations or sorting cloths, assembling groceries, collecting and distributing household items, helping clients to obtain goods etc." • Scheduled as available and not later than 1 PM Monday thru Thursday
- PRISON MINISTRY Visit those in prison, primarily Donaldson Correctional Facility, discuss the following Sunday's readings, and bring them Eucharist. Security background check and training by the state is necessary. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries • Every Wednesday morning between 7 and about 11
- ROSARY MAKERS Make Mission Rosaries to donate to Missions or OLV functions
Ministries that promote anchoring of the individual and community in prayer, scripture reading, or quiet reflection. In prayer we find the reasons, strength, and the call to follow Jesus in His ways of charity, justice, and peace.
- 40 HOURS DEVOTION Adoration is a special time when the Blessed Sacrament is set out so that we can gaze upon Our Lord in faith and adoration. It is a special personal, quiet time when we come as we are, who we are and for what time we have. A time we can bring our heartfelt thoughts, struggles and joys to talk to Our Lord in silent prayer while looking at Him. We receive His love and give our love just by being present with Him. • Monthly starting on the first Thursday at 7 PM
- DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Jesus gave 12 spiritual promises to St. Margaret Mary for souls devoted to His most Sacred Heart. Among those promises He said, "Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out." Come join us in prayer honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus. • First Friday's after the 8:15 a.m. Children's Mass
- DIVINE MERCY MINISTRY Celebrates at the OLV Church the Divine Mercy of our Lord with an hour devotional that consists of prayers from Saint Faustina's Diary: Divine Mercy In My Soul. Conducted by a parish Deacon includes a Benediction with exposure of the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration. Prayer leaders lead those in attendance in different prayers from our Divine Mercy Devotion Pray Book, and there is a homily. After the homily and prayers, the Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed. Once the chaplet is completed, the Blessed Sacrament is reposed and the devotional is adjourned. • Annually, on Divine Mercy Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter
- MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA The novena is a weekly devotion to show love for Our Blessed Mother. All in the congregation are invited to attend. Novena booklets are provided. • After 7:45 AM Mass every Monday
- PRAYER CHAIN People who have the desire to pray for others in need request to become an OLV Prayer Warrior. We currently have approximately 135 Prayer Warriors. When a "prayer request" is sent to the Prayer Chain, either directly from the OLV Church website or emailed to me, the prayer request is forwarded to all Prayer Warriors. Prayer Warriors are asked to remember and lift those in need to the Lord sometime during their daily prayers. If the "prayer request" specifies what to be prayed for - such as healing from an operation or the repose of the soul for someone who has died, we pray for that specific intention. If no specific request is made, we pray for the Lord to provide healing in body, mind and spirit and to give consolation to the person in need, as well as any family members or care providers.
- ROSARY Pray the Rosary • Sunday's after the 8:30 a.m. Mass, in the Chapel, June through August
- SPANISH PRAYER GROUP Open to all. This Spanish-speaking prayer group follows the format and guidance of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of prayer, singing, and teaching. Healing prayers are done as needed. • Overarching Ministry: Catholic Charismatic Renewal • Meets every other Saturday, in the church chapel, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
- VOCATIONS CROSS MINISTRY This is a ministry that requires the volunteers to pray for a month for vocations (all consecrated religious). A cross and prayer guide is handed out at one of the Sunday masses to the volunteers to be used throughout the month and returned for the next month and new volunteers
Ministries that support the parish mission and environment, facilities, and grounds by filling ongoing essential needs, or special needs as they arise. Includes groups whose mission is to serve the pastor and parish community as needed to promote the Catholic faith and Christian morals.
- ALTAR SODALITY The Altar Sodality’s purpose is to unite all women of OLV Parish to render service to God and to promote fellowship and spirituality. We have a special devotion to the Eucharist and we have the honor of preparing the altar for Mass, the upkeep of altar linens, the maintenance of the sanctuary and other sacristan duties. We sponsor activities for the entire church community such as the decorating at Christmas, monthly Bunko games at night, semi-annual church cleaning, preparation and, distribution of Confirmation bows, spiritual retreats and bake sales. We also purchase items for the altar and from time to time, co-sponsor workshops in our parish. We would love to have you join our group! • Sponsored by: Altar Sodality • Day meetings held on the 1st Wednesday of each month, September through May, 11:00 AM in the Social Hall, Room A, unless otherwise noted in the bulletin. Night meetings held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:30 PM in the Parish Social Hall (Room C) that includes a game of Bunko, unless otherwise noted in the bulletin.
- BAPTISMAL BIBS AND STOLES White Baptismal bibs for infants and stoles for younger baptismal candidates are sewn and embroidered. These bibs and stoles are used for all baptisms of infants and young people in our parish and are kept by the families as a remembrance.
- KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (KofC) The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. The Knights support the Church from the Holy Father to parish level. Council 9676 supports Our Lady of the Valley parish and the local community through a number of charitable and service activities. This “Visible Arm of The Church” was founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, and has grown to over 1.7 million members in the United States and twelve other nations. To help Catholic men remain faithful in their church community through – charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism • Sponsored by: Knights of Columbus • Overarching Ministry: Knights of Columbus International • Meets Monthly on the third Sunday 7:00pm – 8:30pm
- KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADIES AUXILIARY The Knights of Columbus Council #9676 Ladies Auxiliary was formed to support and aid the Knights in their endeavors as well as our own. Our Mission is to promote our Catholic faith and Christian morals and values; take part in charitable activities and community outreach; and to promote Christian fellowship and family unity among our parish and community. • Meets 2nd Wednesday of month at 6:00 pm at local restaurant from September through May
- LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE Volunteers who perform landscaping work around the property of OLV. Weed elimination, flower and shrub planting and care, etc. • Every Tuesday morning at 8:30
- PASTORAL COUNCIL Comprised of members elected from the parish who serve in an advisory role to the Pastor. • Meets 4th Monday of each month, 7PM in Social Hall
Ministries that provide encouragement, hope, resources, and coping skills for persons experiencing major life hardships or suffering. They may also provide training or counseling to help persons recover.
- BEGINNING EXPERIENCE Meets at Our Lady of Sorrows (OLS) Catholic Church. For widows, divorced and separated to work through the grief from the loss. The weekly group was founded in 1989, and weekends in 1978. It is interdenominational; everybody is welcome. • Overarching Ministry: Beginning Experience International • Meets 40 weeks per year on Tuesdays at OLS, 6- 8:30 PM; but also conducts weekend retreats in Cullman at the Benediction’s retreat center.
- GRIEF SUPPORT The grief group provides a support system for those grieving the death of a loved one in order to: - Gain more knowledge of the process of grief - Come to recognize the impact of the death on your life - Come to accept the pain of grief in your own unique way, and receive support in living through it rather than avoiding it 21 - Have a safe and confidential place where you can express and explore thoughts, feelings, experiences, and memories - To experience the love of Christ for you, in you, and around you through the support of others • 2 sessions a year, Sept-Dec & Jan-May. Meetings are every other Monday unless there's a scheduling conflict on the parish calendar. Each session is closed after our second meeting
- MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT Provides a support group for persons whose loved ones have a mental illness. Participants share their stories, provide support and share experiences with one another; to help one another to better cope with the hardships that come with mental illness. Participants share solutions and contacts, as well as resources for helping loved ones with mental illness through everyday life and crises. • Sponsored by: JustFaith, OLV • Overarching Ministry: JustFaith Ministries • Third Monday evening of each month in the Parish Center
- OLV CAREER MINISTRY (OCM) The purpose of OCM is to provide spiritual, emotional, and practical support and encouragement in a confidential, Christian atmosphere for those who are experiencing transitions in, or searching for, employment.