Popular Links

Click on the underlined words to links to the website.

The Vatican  


Diocese of Birmingham  Official website of the Birmingham Diocese, including links to other churches in the diocese, diocesan events, ministries, and much more


National Conference of Catholic Bishops  Official website of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops 


Catholic Educator's Resource Center  An excellent resource for Religious Education teachers, parents, or anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith 


Catholic Exchange  Online Catholic newspaper that focuses on your faith, your life, and your world


Catholic.Net  Offers access to leading Catholic magazines and newspapers, papal encyclicals, Church documents, helpful devotional services, and the latest Catholic news 


Catholic Community Television Network   Organization based at St. Paul's in Leesburg, Florida, that provides the television world with the opportunity to see and experience the way Catholics truly live and celebrate their faith 


New Advent This informative site includes a Catholic Encyclopedia, instructions on how to recite the rosary, and much more


www.therealpresence.org Real Presence Association 


www.EWTN.com  Global Catholic Network